The Finance Council is a stand-alone council, distinct and separate from the Parish Pastoral Council and its commissions. It plans, recommends, and implements actions on parish financial support and the effective management and use of parish resources. These resources include parishioner’s time, skills, talents, and monies that are raised or offered. The Finance Council is concerned with four broad areas:
The Finance Council meets on the third Tuesday of each month in the conference room at 7:00 pm. Contact the Pastor if you wish to serve.
St. Anne Parish is a Stewardship Parish. This title is more than a call for donations; it inspires a new way of life for our parishioners. Stewardship is about realizing how gifted one is and then properly using all of those gifts; ones’ time talents, and worldly treasure in the right proportion, in a balanced way that brings meaning to one’s existence. Our parish is principled in the stewardship model that with sacrificial giving, we place God first. We encourage our members to tithe 10 percent of their yearly income, dividing this money between the parish, and charities or services of their choice. Likewise, as a parish St. Anne contributes to worthy charities from the proceeds of our weekly offering. The core of Stewardship is gratitude. A gratitude that overflows into giving as a way of thanking God for all He has given us. The guiding purpose of the Finance Council is to model these ideals in it’s actions, recommendations, and endeavors.
The Parish Leadership Team (PLT) is a consultative body to the Pastor and the coordinating and unifying structure of parish unity. The PLT is a means of achieving the full participation of the whole parish in its mission by giving all a voice in supporting, guiding, and directing the various aspects of parish life. It gathers together the visions, hopes, and needs of the community to reflect upon them until a consensus is reached, and translates this consensus into parish planning through the establishment of goals and objectives. The PLT sees that these goals and objectives are implemented by the parish commissions and committees and are evaluated annually.
Mission: We, the people of St. Anne, are a growing Catholic Community with various gifts and talents, and we are open to the Spirit among us. Rooting ourselves in The Word of God, we reach out to all in loving service, witnessing, and celebrating the life of Jesus Christ in our midst.
The function of this commission is the planning, preparation, and evaluation of liturgical celebrations, and other worship services. Members of the commission assist the Liturgist in informing parishioners of ministries and their training.